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Fire Hydrant System

System Information

Hydrant System
Hydrant System

Being one of the oldest but yet the most effective and common fire fighting solution, a well designed and a well laid out Hydrant System forms the backbone of the entire fire fighting system. It comprises of heavy duty above & underground piping with accessories. External and Fire Escape Hydrant valves are provided at every strategic location. A fire hydrant is a pipe that allows water to flow from a water main with the control of a valve in order to put out a fire.


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Fire Sprinkler System
Fire Sprinkler System

Sprinkler System

A fire sprinkler system is an active fire protection measure, consisting of a water supply system, providing adequate pressure and flow rate to a water distribution piping system, onto which fire sprinklers are connected.

Over the years, fire sprinklers have become mandatory safety equipment in most parts of India, in certain occupancies like newly constructed hospitals, schools, hotels and other public buildings, Industries, etc. subject to the local building codes and enforcement.


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Water Spray System

Water Spray System

Water Spray System is a special fixed pipe system connected to a reliable source of pressurised water supply and equipped with water spray nozzles for application on area / equipment to be protected. The system can be operated automatically by connection to an automatic detection and alarm system or manually, or both.

Water spray systems are generally used for fire protection of flammable liquid and gas storage tanks, piping, pumping equipment, electrical equipment such as transformers, oil switches, rotating electrical machinery etc. and for protection of openings in fire walls and floors.


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Foam Protection System

Foam Protection System
Fire suppression foam is comprised of three parts: foam concentrate, water, and air. When mixed correctly, these parts form a homogeneous foam blanket that extinguishes flames by the combined mechanisms of cooling, separating the flame source from the product surface, suppressing vapours, and smothering. This makes foam suppression systems an effective option for protecting flammable and combustible liquids.
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Fire Alarm System
Fire Alarm System Addressable
Fire Alarm System Addressable
A Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP) / Fire Alarm Control Unit (FACU), is an electric panel that is the controlling component of a fire alarm system which is installed at various places as a protective measure against fire; sounds an alarm when actuated by a fire detection system. Fire Alarm System is essential to warn all occupants that a fire or emergency situation exists. Sometimes fire detection and alarm systems are used to compensate or to give special cover for items of high value. In case of fire early detection of smoke and heat helps in fighting the fire effectively & extinguishing it in nascent stage. Thus by early detection, we can prevent the fire from spreading in turn saving life and loss of property and business.
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Fire Alarm System Conventional
Fire Alarm System Conventional

Fire Alarm System (Conventional):

A Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP) / Fire Alarm Control Unit (FACU), is an electric panel that is the controlling component of a fire alarm system which is installed at various places as a protective measure against fire; sounds an alarm when actuated by a fire detection system. Fire Alarm System is essential to warn all occupants that a fire or emergency situation exists. Sometimes fire detection and alarm systems are used to compensate or to give special cover for items of high value. In case of fire early detection of smoke and heat helps in fighting the fire effectively & extinguishing it in nascent stage. Thus by early detection, we can prevent the fire from spreading in turn saving life and loss of property and business.


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Gas Flooding System
Gas Flooding System
Gaseous fire suppression is a term to describe the use of gases and chemical agents to extinguish a fire. These Agents are governed with different standards and regulations in the world. The system typically consists of the agent, agent storage containers, agent release valves, fire detectors, fire detection system (wiring control panel, actuation signalling), agent delivery piping, and agent dispersion nozzles.
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CO2 Gas Flooding System
CO2 Gas Flooding System
CO2 at atmospheric pressure is a colourless, odourless and electrically Non-Conductive inert gas. It has high expansion ratio, which facilities rapid discharge and allows three dimensional quick penetrations in the entire hazard area. Made from premium components, this CO2 Gas Flooding System’s importance lies in the fact that it has high efficiency to extinguish fire by reducing the oxygen content of the protected area below the point where it can support combustion. This CO2 Gas Flooding System provides a blanket of heavy gas that reduces the oxygen content of the atmosphere to a point where combustion is not sustainable.
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FM200 Gas Flooding System
FM200 Gas Flooding System
Gas Suppression Systems (FM200) is a reliable solution based on HFC 227ea, an extinguishing agent known around the world. Built on 42-bar technology, these Gas Suppression Systems are efficient and space-saving. Whether for the valuable systems, data, people or the working environment, this Gas Suppression System provides optimum protection in case of fire and helps ensuring business continuity. The extinguishing agent of this Gas Suppression System is very effective and works at low extinguishing concentrations to protect people and assets. The extinguishing agent is chemically inert and has low electric conductivity. This Gas Suppression Systems provides ideal protection especially for areas with electrical and electronic risks of fire. Extinguishing without leaving any residue and without risking of corrosion is found in this Gas Suppression System.
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Novec Gas Flooding System
Novec Gas Flooding System
NOVEC is an innovative solution that reduces the risk of fire damage in critical applications and sensitive equipment. At a proper system design concentration, the extinguishing agent NOVEC Fire Protection Fluid absorbs sufficient heat to upset the balance of the fire. This cooling effect is supported by the oxygen reduction in the flame due to the volumetric expansion of the molecules. The high efficiency of the NOVEC system allows using a low extinguishing concentration. As a result, the user needs to store only a relatively small amount of the extinguishing agent to safely protect rooms. Additionally, the minimum 10 bar at the nozzle concept used by Siemens ensures fast and full evaporation of the NOVEC fluid, minimizing extinguishing times. Compact system designs are possible as NOVEC works with the NOVEC fluid, offering the lowest design concentration of all currently authorized extinguishing agents. Fewer cylinders and less space are needed for installation and storage because the liquid agent NOVEC fluid is stored in cylinders pressurized with 42-bar nitrogen.
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CCTV System
CCTV System
Closed Circuit Television (CCTV), also known as video surveillance, is the use of video cameras to transmit a signal to a specific place. The term CCTV is most often applied to those used for surveillance in areas that may need monitoring such as banks, casinos, airports, military installations, and convenience stores. The CCTV System serves as a most effective medium to detect early signs of danger and also provides you with the visual proof of a security breach.
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Intrusion Alarm System
Intrusion Alarm System
Intrusion Alarm System is a system designed to detect intrusion – unauthorized entry – into a building or area. Security alarms are used in residential, commercial, industrial, and military properties for protection against burglary (theft) or property damage, as well as personal protection against intruders.
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Wet Riser System
Wet Riser System
A typical building normally has two or more shafts, which travel from the lowest level of the building to its terrace. Such shafts are normally used to carry the piping for the wet-riser systems. Hydrant outlets are provided on every floor so that the entire floor area of the building is adequately covered. Outlets are provided in the form of double-outlet landing valves apart from a canvas hose for the use of fire-fighting personnel in the event of fire.
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Public Address System
Public Address System
A public address system (PA system) is an electronic sound amplification and distribution system with a microphone, amplifier and loudspeakers, used to allow a person to address a large public, for example for announcements of movements at large and noisy air and rail terminals.


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Fire Extinguisher System
Fire Extinguisher System
A fire extinguisher is an active fire protection device used to extinguish or control small fires, often in emergency situations. It is not intended for use on an out-of-control fire, such as one which has reached the ceiling, endangers the user (i.e., no escape route, smoke, explosion hazard, etc.), or otherwise requires the expertise of a fire department. Typically, a fire extinguisher consists of a hand-held cylindrical pressure vessel containing an agent which can be discharged to extinguish a fire.
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Signage, refers to the design or use of signs and symbols to communicate a message to a specific group, usually for the purpose of marketing.
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Evacuation Plans
Evacuation Plans
Emergency evacuation is the immediate and urgent movement of people away from the threat or actual occurrence of a hazard.
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